About Us
I used to live in Canada with my brother, and I was disheartened to discover that there was no dental insurance when I accidentally damaged my incisor.
Resolving the issue made me realize how common this problem is. I consulted experts from some of the top dental hospitals in the world. Despite their extensive experience and knowledge, they couldn't provide a denture solution that was affordable, reliable, and comfortable. The high costs in the dental industry, including sophisticated instruments, equipment, and the extensive training required for dentists, make it challenging to find cost-effective solutions.
In a serendipitous moment, we discovered that DIY dentures could offer a quick and affordable partial solution to the embarrassment of a missing smile. After discussing this with my dentist, who is also a friend, they cautiously encouraged me to explore this option further as a way to help others who have lost their smiles. They emphasized the importance of not overstating the value of this solution.
Now, they have both become my technical advisors and continue to try new way to solving smile problems.

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